There was never any question that I’d make it out. 
Before I entered the corporate world more than a decade ago I already knew it wasn’t going to be my final destination.

January 2019 – Gripping my resignation letter tightly between my fingers, I knocked on my boss’ door and asked him to join me in the meeting room adjacent to his office. Peeking over his thick, rimmed glasses, he looked in my direction, nodded his head, adjusted his suit jacket and followed me. This was the moment I’d been praying for. But in the few seconds it took for the door to gently close behind him, my confidence collapsed. A surprise to even me.

I inhaled and let out a long, deep breath, sucking up all the air out of the room. And when my boss inquired about my discomfort, I began to cry leaving tracks of tears on my makeup.  

I’m a woman who knows what she wants and will destroy any obstacle in my path to go after it, but being brave doesn’t mean I do not feel fear, it simply means I am committed to the process. One of my life mantras is to ‘always honour my feelings no matter how uncomfortable it makes me’ and in this case, the idea of walking away from stability literally made me feel nauseous. Oftentimes the opportunity we are seeking is in the labor we’re avoiding and this conversation was overdue. 

I trust myself to figure it out.
I trust myself to figure it out. 
I trust myself to figure it out. 
I trust myself to figure it out.

I often repeat this affirmation to myself during moments in my life when I feel overwhelmed or I have a difficult time solving a problem. It’s been the one thing that helps me feel anchored when I can’t find my north star. I conquered the challenge of quitting my job but getting to this point is an even more interesting story. I was recently invited to Google to share what life is like beyond my ten year corporate career but before we move forward, it’s important that we look back.

Here are 11 ways I leveraged my job as an Executive Assistant to help fulfill my life assignment as a Celebrity Ghostwriter and Founder of The WritersBlok.


Podcast: We Can Do Hard Things by Glennon Doyle
Book: Option B: Facing Adversity, Building Resilience and Finding Joy by Sheryl Sandberg
Sermon: I know, But I’m Not Nervous by Pastor Steven Furtick
Sermon: Girl, Get Up by Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts